
Important information for union-represented employees about “sympathy strikes”

April 24, 2018
Impacts of strikes on patients Q. Will a strike negatively impact services to UC patients?

UC offers CNA comprehensive five-year contract for nurses

April 24, 2018
UC and the California Nurses Association met on Apr. 18-19 to continue negotiations for a new contract for UC nurses. UC’s goal is to achieve a multi-year, comprehensive contract that recognizes the critical role nurses play in patient care, and maintains market-competitive wages, excellent health...

A Letter to AFSCME Colleagues

By Dwaine B. Duckett on April 19, 2018
Dear colleague: I am writing to let you know that UC is increasing your wages and providing you and your service worker colleagues with good health and retirement benefits. As we informed you, we recently presented AFSCME with a final settlement offer that included:

Información importante para empleados de la UC acerca de un voto de huelga de la AFSCME

April 19, 2018
La AFSCME, el sindicato que representa a los empleados de la UC de atención al paciente y de servicio, ha pedido a los empleados de servicio y de atención al paciente que autoricen una convocatoria a huelga contra la UC. De acuerdo con la UC, las huelgas afectan injustamente a los pacientes,...

Important information for UC employees about an AFSCME strike vote

April 19, 2018
AFSCME, the union representing UC’s patient care and service employees, has asked service and patient care employees to authorize union leaders to call a strike against UC. In UC’s view, strikes unfairly impact patients, students and employees, and should not be used as a negotiating tactic. It is...

A Letter to AFSCME Colleagues

By Dwaine B. Duckett on April 19, 2018
Estimado/a compañero/a: Le escribo para dejarle saber que la UC está aumentando sus pagos y proporcionándole a Ud. y a sus colegas trabajadores de servicio buenos beneficios de salud y retiro.

A Letter to Service Unit Employees - Spanish Language Version

By Dwaine B. Duckett on April 16, 2018
Estimado colega: Su sindicato, la Federación Americana de Empleados Estatales, Condales y Municipales (AFSCME), ha anunciado que le pedirá a Ud. y otros empleados de la UC representados por la AFSCME que voten la semana próxima para autorizar a los dirigentes sindicales de manera que puedan...

A Letter to Service Unit Employees - Chinese Language Version

By Dwaine B. Duckett on April 16, 2018
親愛的同事: 您的工會,即美國州縣市員工聯盟(AFSCME),已經宣布要請您和AFSCME代表的其他加州大學員工在下週投票表決,授權工會領袖號召在未來罷工。 罷工是嚴重的事件,我們認為AFSCME以潛在的罷工威脅病人和學生作為一種談判戰略是極不恰當的,我們的病人和學生不是談判的籌碼。 為了幫您做出投票表決的知情決定,隨函附上一些關於罷工意涵極重要的資訊。請仔細閱讀。如果您有任何問題,請打電話給您當地的人力資源辦公室。 我們的每一位員工對於提供加州大學著稱的優異公共服務都扮演關鍵的角色,加州大學多月來努力談判合約,以便為您的技能、辛勞、敬業以及您向本大學及公眾的服務提供公平的報酬。...

Important information for UC counseling psychologists about an UPTE strike vote

April 13, 2018
The University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE) union that represents UC counseling psychologists, has announced it will be asking members to authorize a strike against UC. In UC’s view, strikes unfairly impact students and should not be used as a negotiating tactic. It is very important...


April 13, 2018
AFSCME是代表加州大學病人護理和服務員工的工會,已宣布將要求服務和病人護理員工授權工會領袖號召向加州大學舉行罷工。依加州大學之見,罷工對於病人、學生和員工造成不公平的影響,不應該作為一項談判戰略。AFSCME代表的所有員工了解這項表決的意義以及罷工的意涵,並且對於是否支持罷工做出知情的決定,是非常重要的。以下是一些重要問題的解答。   罷工授權表決 問:什麼是「罷工授權表決」? 答:罷工授權表決是一項程序,由談判單位的員工投票表決是否支持罷工。   問:如果我不支持罷工怎麼辦 – 我一定要投票嗎? 答:如果您有資格投票,而且不認為罷工是您的最佳利益,...
