
Bargaining Update for Service Staff: You deserve to vote on a contract - Spanish Language Version

July 20, 2018
¿Por qué no los deja la AFSCME a Uds. que voten sobre un contrato?

Bargaining Update for Service Staff: You deserve to vote on a contract

July 20, 2018
Why won’t AFSCME let you vote on a contract? In another attempt to get you a fair contract that would guarantee wage increases and good benefits for you for the next five years, on July 11 UC offered AFSCME leaders the following:

UC and CNA Reach Agreement on 2018 Step Increases

June 20, 2018
As a show of good faith for the parties ongoing bargaining, UC and the California Nurses Association have mutually agreed to execute the July 2018 version of UC’s experience-based step increase program for nurses employed at the UC’s five medical centers and ten campuses.  Eligible nurses will...

A Letter to AFSCME Colleagues Regarding Implementation

May 24, 2018
Dear colleague: This is to inform you of several changes you will soon see reflected in your upcoming paychecks. Specifically, UC is increasing your wages and your health insurance and parking rates are being aligned with what other UC employees are paying.

Letter to Colleagues from Sam Hawgood and Mark Laret - Spanish Language Version

By Sam Hawgood and Mark R. Laret on May 10, 2018
Estimados miembros de la comunidad de UCSF: La huelga sindical de esta semana fue un periodo complicado para UCSF. Esta fue difícil para todos: para nuestros pacientes, aquellas personas que vinieron a trabajar como de costumbre, los protestantes y aquellas personas que se prestaron como...

Letter to Colleagues from Sam Hawgood and Mark Laret

By Sam Hawgood and Mark R. Laret on May 10, 2018
Dear UCSF Community: This week’s labor strike was a trying time for UCSF. It was difficult for everyone: our patients, those who came to work as usual, those on the picket lines, and those who volunteered after hours.  Our services ran smoothly to the extent possible, and throughout the strike...

Letter to Colleagues from Sam Hawgood and Mark Laret - Chinese Language Version

By Sam Hawgood and Mark R. Laret on May 10, 2018
親愛的UCSF社區: 本週的勞工罷工對於UCSF是個困難的時期。它對每個人都很困難:我們的病人、照常上班的員工、站在糾察線的人,以及下班後做義工的人。  我們盡可能使服務保持平穩,而且UCSF的員工在整個罷工期間通力合作。 此外,我們也能向那些具有緊急需求而不能拖延的人提供安全優質的護理。 在接下來幾週,UCSF Health會持續受到罷工的影響,因為我們需要因應那些需要重新安排程序、預約和治療的人。 我們知道當每個人返回工作崗位時,對於罷工將有不同的意見和互相衝突的感受。然而,我們可以團結一條心,分享病人照護、研究和教育的使命,以及專業、尊重、誠信、多元和卓越的價值觀。...

Letter to Colleagues from Sheila Antrum, SVP & COO, UCSF Health - Spanish Language Version

By Sheila Antrum on May 09, 2018
Estimados colegas: Nos encontramos en el segundo día de la huelga de tres días en UCSF, y queremos ponerles al corriente sobre la situación en nuestra empresa clínica.

Letter to Colleagues from Sheila Antrum, SVP & COO, UCSF Health - Chinese Language Version

By Sheila Antrum on May 09, 2018
親愛的同事們: 我們正處於 UCSF 三天罷工的第二天,我想向你們報告醫院運作的最新進展。 本次工會行動繼續地對我們的病人和家屬造成極大的幹擾。從上個星期到現在,有超過1萬2千個預約被重新安排,其中涉及癌症、放射和手術多個部門。所有的非急需醫療程序都被推遲。一些有緊急需要的病人被轉移到我們的關聯醫院,包括舊金山的聖瑪麗醫療中心和核桃溪的約翰繆爾醫療中心。我們的急診室仍然開放。我們還把幾位兒科病人轉移到 UCSF 貝尼奧夫兒童醫院屋崙分院。 為了確保本週 UCSF Health 系統病人的安全護理,我們已經將醫院病人總數減少 35%。我們已經為最有需要的病人提供了醫護,...
