Labor Relations News for Our Valued Employees

Hola, y bienvenido a In the Know—el lugar al que debe acudir para obtener información actual y precisa acerca de UCSF y UCSF Health.

Sabemos que es posible que usted escuche de distintas fuentes información contradictoria acerca de la situación de las negociaciones sindicales, así que queremos asegurarnos de que usted cuente con datos e información sobre lo que están haciendo UCSF, UCSF Health y la Universidad de California, y la razón de ello.

UCSF y UCSF Health cuentan con una fuerza laboral realmente excepcional. Gracias por todo lo que contribuyen, todos los días, para ayudar a UCSF y UCSF Health a lograr su misión de atención, curación, enseñanza y descubrimiento.

Le invitamos a que consulte este sitio con frecuencia. Las preguntas son bien recibidas.


Oct 27, 2022

Recently, UC submitted an economic proposal to the United Auto Workers union as part of a multi-year contract to ensure fair pay for Academic Researchers. Key tentative agreements have been reached on Respectful Work Environment, Corrective Action and Dismissal, Time and Effort Commitment, Work-incurred Injury or Illness, and Nondiscrimination in Employment. Highlights of the proposal include:

Oct 27, 2022

Recently, UC submitted a strong economic proposal to the United Auto Workers union as part of a multi-year contract to ensure fair pay for Academic Student Employees (Teaching Assistants/Associates/Fellows, Readers, and Tutors). Tentative Agreements have been reached on Union Access and Rights, Union Security, and a Respectful Workplace Environment. Highlights of the proposal include:

Oct 27, 2022

Recently, UC submitted an economic proposal to the United Auto Workers union as part of a new multi-year contract for Graduate Student Researchers. UC and the UAW are collaborating to set appropriate standards for this new bargaining unit. Tentative agreements have been reached on articles regarding health and safety, holidays, Union Security, Grievance and Arbitration, and Respectful Work Environments.

Oct 27, 2022

Recently, UC presented the United Auto Workers union with an economic proposal that includes wage increases and enhanced family-related benefits as part of a proposed multi-year collective-bargaining agreement for postdoctoral scholars. Highlights of UC's proposal include: Supportive, respectful working conditions:

Jan 29, 2020

Estimado/a colega: Me place decirles que hemos llegado a un acuerdo tentativo con la Federación Americana de Empleados Estatales, Condales y Municipales (AFSCME, por sus siglas en inglés) con respecto a un nuevo contrato de cuatro años para los empleados de atención técnica al paciente de la UC.
