Labor Relations News for Our Valued Employees

Hola, y bienvenido a In the Know—el lugar al que debe acudir para obtener información actual y precisa acerca de UCSF y UCSF Health.

Sabemos que es posible que usted escuche de distintas fuentes información contradictoria acerca de la situación de las negociaciones sindicales, así que queremos asegurarnos de que usted cuente con datos e información sobre lo que están haciendo UCSF, UCSF Health y la Universidad de California, y la razón de ello.

UCSF y UCSF Health cuentan con una fuerza laboral realmente excepcional. Gracias por todo lo que contribuyen, todos los días, para ayudar a UCSF y UCSF Health a lograr su misión de atención, curación, enseñanza y descubrimiento.

Le invitamos a que consulte este sitio con frecuencia. Las preguntas son bien recibidas.


Jul 19, 2024

On July 18-19, the University of California met with the University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE) in bargaining sessions for new contracts for healthcare professionals, technical employees, and researchers.

Jul 12, 2024

The University of California is now in the seventh month of bargaining with the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Union (AFSCME) for new contracts for Patient Care Technical and Service employees.

Jun 26, 2024

Negotiations for new contracts for healthcare professionals, technical employees, and researchers took place on June 25-26 between the University of California and the University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE).

Jun 18, 2024

Employees would see pay raises sooner and receive health insurance assistance.

Jun 12, 2024

The University of California representatives and the University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE) met on June 11-13 to begin negotiating new collective bargaining agreements for you and your Healthcare Professional, Technical Employee, and Researcher colleagues. We want you to know UC’s priorities and goals for these negotiations.
