UC offers historic wage increases to UPTE-Represented employees

On August 16, 2024, the University of California put forward a significant wage proposal during three days of bargaining with the University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE) for healthcare professionals, technical employees, and researcher contracts.

Wage increases in 2024

As part of the current contract, members in all three units have received wage increases in 2024, a 2 percent minimum step increase in January 2024, and a 3 percent increase on July 1, 2024, for a total of 5% overall.

Proposed wage increases in 2025

The new wage proposal for all three UPTE-represented units specifies a three-year contract offering:

  • Five percent annual increase effective July 1, 2025
  • Three percent annual increase effective July 1, 2026
  • Three percent annual increase effective July 1, 2027, contingent on state budget allocation

For example, the systemwide average annual compensation for a UPTE-represented healthcare worker is around $154,000, with 70% making an average of $173,000. Systemwide annual compensation for technical employees averages $73,000, and research professionals average $71,000. If approved by the union, the wage increases would boost the pay for average healthcare compensation to $182,000. However, 70% of UPTE-represented healthcare workers would make< $204,000 at the end of the UC contract in 2027. If approved by the union, technical professionals’ salaries would increase to an average of $90,000, and research professionals would be up to $86,000 over the same period. The table below outlines UC’s proposed annual increases of 11% across the three-year contract.

UPTE-represented units

Systemwide Annual Average Compensation 2024

UC Proposal Average Annual Compensation by 2027

TX Technical Employee



RX Researcher



HX Healthcare professional



The wage package also outlines an option for employees no longer eligible for step increases. In addition, UC has offered proposals on expanded vacation and sick leave, transfers, reclassification, promotion, and job posting, an expanded review process for classification questions, clarification on UC holidays and holiday pay, and updates to layoff parameters.

The University’s proposals are not intended to be a "starting point" but rather reasonable offers that reflect the significance of UPTE-represented employees' services. UC and UPTE have set confirmed dates for more bargaining sessions over the next few months, with the next sessions scheduled for August 28 and 29. UC will continue to carefully consider union concerns, review their proposals and counterproposals, and update you on the negotiation process and our actions.